Thursday, November 11, 2010

Yang Zhiming and unambiguous

aught toward the bite with Yang Zhiming chain.

Black ... ...

Yang Zhiming and unambiguous, a hand printed pink oriole face. Hand a force, Yang Zhiming was caught at once a bruised arm.

"Mom, you then told! Then told I,ll let you die in this! Grass."

Corridor also has a passing police work, but turn a blind eye on that slap, and Chiming also cool down, the original last night wanted to hit pork yellow, no one

thought of both the strength and the poor, today hit a slap oriole, but it is comfortable a lot.

"Ling is definitely under house arrest this bitch out of your mind, go!"

Violation of his beloved little woman who is willing to be abused, how not to let this well done? Months gone, savings in the hearts of hatred Yang Zhiming not say


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