Monday, February 21, 2011

Only 56 kilometers long

Niagara Falls-Niagara Falls .world-famous Niagara Falls in Canada and the United States at the junction of the Niagara mens belts River. It is known as one of the world is seven largest wonders, with its magnificent momentum, rich and vast water vapor, shock all come to watch the tourists. .Niagara River connecting Lake Erie and Lake Ontario is a waterway, only 56 kilometers long, but never straight down to 174 meters above sea level 75 meters above sea level, which spans a river on the limestone cliff, the water Niagara River through this rich, sharp and steep drop, water potential of emotion and sonic booms like thunder.
cliffs on the lake bed after the goat island (Coat Island), divided into two parts, into the United States and Canada, forming the size of the two waterfall, small waterfall called the American Falls (American Falls), in the United States, up to 55 meters, the length of 328 meters offshore the waterfall. Great Falls called the Canadian Falls or Horseshoe Falls (Horseshoe Falls), fashion belts like a horseshoe shape, in Canada, up to 56 meters, about 675 meters offshore.

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