Sunday, September 19, 2010

it has a lot to reduce harmful cholesterol taurocholic acid

it has a lot to reduce harmful cholesterol taurocholic acid, help protect the liver. laver of food fiber, can maintain intestinal health, the cancer-causing substances from in vitro, particularly beneficial to prevent colon cancer. It contains more than trace carbohydrates, to suppress the cancer's effects . other Laver is the herve leger prevention of atherosclerosis, multiple blood mass, cerebral thrombosis, dizziness, breathing difficulties, and other special effects were good food, but also a reminder of women postpartum emulsion. Now I will introduce several different materials delicious nutritional composition of seaweed soup. seaweed shrimp soup iodine has calcium, and iron deficiency anemia, osteoporosis, there is a genuine effect on atherosclerosis and hypertension are the role of adjuvant therapy for the skin due to itching caused by Mn deficiency can sometimes play strange effect, but also alleviate the symptoms of menopause syndrome, herve leger dress and male impotence also have a certain effect.
made by the sesame oil and seaweed The bowel cleansing seaweed soup, especially for the elderly and children eat, drink before dinner every night if the seaweed soup bowl, which can effectively relieve constipation. fat free weight loss seaweed seaweed soup, herve leger bandage dress supplemented by wax gourd skin and watermelon rind, suitable for regular consumption of female body fat, body fit and effect can be achieved. lean kelp seaweed soup is a nourishing yin and clearing heat, phlegm, the role of longevity for the first halo dizziness, irritability, insomnia, cough hard thick sputum, or skin pigmentation and other patients.

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